
We are pleased to announce that the Dorcus Adventure Club will take a summer adventure trip to California.
We will provide a fantastic Dorcus trip for children.
The primary purpose is that we help children mature actively and intelligently on the trip.
The children will be able to expect to acquire knowledge that they cannot experience in general life and from school teaching. The plan is dated to fly to San Francisco, California on Aug 18th.
The kids miss their home for a week.


What Dorcus Do?

We know that you are wondering or you want to know what we have done in the long history of Dorcus Adventure Club.
As you can see from previous activities, there are many many.
We can describe the unclear parts of the outdoor events.

1. Let’s make a secret house

Kids from first grade to eight grade were gathered and built the house.
It took a few day to finish up the fascinating house.
It includes some attraction in it, roller coaster made out of bamboo, swing built from strong climbing plant and the house completed by using many materials the kids can find near the base.
The house was well done constructed. At the last day of finishing the house, everybody, the children and their parents,  got together and share the time and the ideas of the event altogether.

2. Survival Camp  in Okinawa

We were camping out in an island in Okinawa, Japan, where no one live.
Only we brought in was at least foods and equipment that we need to manage the life.
We fished for our need, found shellfish by the ocean and made fire for a chilling night climate.
We provided all things what and when we need. We made the safe trip to home.

3. Let’s Go Get Dorcus

We initiated the concept of “let’s go get dorcus” with a notion, which children who grow up in a environment as Japan tend to think that everything can get easily by purchasing. People even buy insects for their kids. From that point, with having a lot of request from the children about insects, we went out in the forest and hunted dorcus. It meant to kids that how hard to find real things that you really want, not buying things.




5 key to strive

The last element that the club follow and we are going to introduce is to “discover yourself”.
We assist to provide opportunities for children to learn many things that they might be interested in or not, even give them a experiences that you might succeed or fail, which refers to that we all learn from a lesson.
It is very important that you know what you like to do for young kids. Because There are massive potentials and abilities that children will be able to develop in early age. having gone through a good thing and opposite help to find a way to go. Of course, it is not too late to discover, however, it is better to discover when you have a plenty of time ahead of you.   So that we encourage kids to find something on them through through experiences.


自分の長所や短所、得意なこと不得意なこと、興味のあることや興味のないこと。 これらの自分に関する情報は、待っていても決して得ることはできません。様々な成功、失敗体験を通してこそ発見できるものです。

5 key to strive

Continuing from yesterday’s post “5 key …”.
Other elements that the club try to do with children are following

4. Challenge yourself

We let children try many things that stimulate their curiosity and instinct.
In doing so, they inevitably acquire challenging mind as a result of experiencing that they have accumulated of. In particular, Dorcus offers many outside activities. These are held in a location where there are insects, trees and water. We all knowing that with such a objective children most of time try to touch a bizarre worm, yet climb trees and jump into water. We encourage them to do it. Because it is important that children get to know the reposes from what they do without being afraid of failing in their attempt and get to know that you can do it, which refer to the key we strive to do “challenge yourself”.



5 Key to Strive

The Dorcus Adventure Club pursue the philosophy
“Make Children Mature Energetic and Intelligently” as well as follows these five elements to strive in the club.
These are Body, Mind, Brain, Challenge and Discover yourself.


1. Striving Body 身体を鍛える

自然の中における活動には、木に登ったり、岩や崖を登ったり、川を渡ったりといった普段使わない筋肉を使用 する行動が多く存在し、バランスのとれた全身運動の機会が多く含まれています。ですから、全身を使った楽しい活動は、子供の食や、睡眠にも良い影響を与え ます。食が細い、夜眠れないといった不自然な子供が増えていますが、十分に身体を動かしていない事が、一つの原因となっているのではないでしょうか。

2. Striving Mind 心を鍛え養う

「やった! できた! わかった!」「失敗した! 悔しい! 残念!」こうした成功、失敗体験によって引き起こされる様々な感情は、子供の心の栄養となります。

3. Striving Brain 脳を鍛え育てる


Two other elements will be covered next post.

Previous Pitcutures #2

These pictures are outside activities, fishing, dorcus hunting, insect catching and snake experience.

Addition, one picture shows children cooking a fresh fish from scratch.


クワガタ採り、釣りに蛇体験 自然の生き物と共に遊ぶ 日ごろの生活ではできない体験が子供を大きくする。


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Dorcus Activities #1

We bring children out and let them play with the nature throughout whole seasons.
These pictures are some of the activities that we have done in the past.

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ドルカス アドベンチャー クラブ について


知性、野性、個性を磨くドルカス A.Cの趣旨


Welcome to Dorcus Adventure Club

We are excited to launch our own official blog!

We are welcome and expecting to see those who are new to the club and yet who
are interested in our events.

Our mission here is inform upcoming activities and keep them record on
easily accessible internet blogs.

Let’s see the process of the children growing up.

ようこそDrucus Adventure Club オフィシアルブログへ

このブログでは クラブメンバーその他の方が気軽に ドルカスイベントの予告やその記録を目

私たちの活動をネットで楽しんで 子供たちが成長する過程を観察しましょう。